Publishing Childrens Books - A World of Possibilities for Inspired and Courageous Authors
In the past, when you thought of publishing childrens books, or more importantly, having your childrens book published, you automatically thought about submitting your manuscript to either an agent or directly to
book publishers for childrens books.
You would write a cover letter, which would include market research and why you knew your book would be a success in the market.
You would send the cover letter off to as many agents and publishing houses as you had energy for.
Then, you'd wait. And wait. And wait some more, your hopes of publishing childrens books fading like the daily sunset.
When you finally heard from a publisher or agent of childrens books, you would more than likely receive a polite and formal reply stating your childrens book manuscript was not up to snuff.
Rejection set in. You felt pretty helpless and hopeless. You were ready to quit your dream.
However, the publishing childrens books industry has changed dramatically due to many factors, some of which I covered at
about publishing childrens books
- childrens books self publishing
- self publishing childrens books.
Since you're at this site, I'll assume (don't usually do that, hope I'm correct) that you'd also like information about
how children can self publish
- words for writing childrens books
- how to write childrens books
- ideas for childrens books.
I speak from being a publisher for childrens books (1 hard copy book, soon to be made into an e-Book) as well as two childrens e-Books.
Samples from my latest e-Book Bingo and Bonner, A Read-Me, Draw-Me Book, where kids color border designs that inspire them to create illustrations based on their understanding of the words on each page of a picture book quality story.
Here's an excellent site about childrens books and self-publishing childrens books. (Steve's site is so good you might forget about me, but don't forget to come back, the best is yet to come).
Publishers for Childrens Books
Perhaps the greatest, most important, and highly significant change in the childrens book publishing industry is the fact that small, independent, authors/entrepreneurs can enter the market place with an excellent change of financial success.
Publishing childrens books is very possible and many are doing it.
Just explore
new childrens books online
- authors of childrens books
- authors for childrens books.
Or, just start
searching for kids books
and you'll find many, many self-published authors who are publishing childrens books.
BUT, they've answered the big question IF question for themselves.
The If question , and this is a big IF, you're willing to do what you do best, i.e., write, write, and write great content about your passions involving writing.
BUT, you write this content to build a financially profitable web site. EVEN if you know absolutely nothing about building a web site, with guidance from SiteSell, you too can earn money through your writing as well as through the ads you see on this page and other means.
Would be publishers for childrens books can harness the awesome power of the Internet by publishing childrens books and marketing and selling childrens books with a lot of help from your friends>, (and I don't mean family, relatives, business associates and the like).
I have access to thousands of small business owners, some are publishers of childrens books, who help me out (at no charge) when I'm not knowing what to do about some aspect of building a successful business.
It's not as though I don't have to work, but I'm shown successful entrepreneurs and learn from them.
You need to understand something about online sales and marketing, something you won't read everywhere because most web site promoters don't understand the BIG picture when it comes to creating successful web sites.
The key is to build a site by offering and giving away valuable information to your site's visitors, and in the process, developing a relationship with your visitors who come to trust you.
Read about publishers of e-Goods who are financially very successful by clicking on the small graphic.
Whether you make a lot of money or just a good income, you'll know in your heart and you'll feel exceptionally wealthy when you get feedback, like I've received, that kids and moms are loving your kids book.
This is done by providing what the visitor is seeking, and not simply trying to sell your books or writing services, although, in time, you do sell these.
First and foremost, we are information providers.
Visitors arrive at your site through Search Engines and because your site ranks high with the SEs. As you write more content and implement a host of other strategies, more and more visitors arrive at your site and you experience success!
For me, there have always been books available on self-publishing and publishing childrens books, but until I was prepared to market and sell, I was doomed to a garage full of unsold books.
Now, I'm only a publisher of childrens e-Books until I've proven to myself my e-Books sell, then I may publish hard copies.
However, if you'd like to learn from a highly successful self-publisher of books, including e-Books, check out The Well-Fed Self-Publisher, a book full of excellent advice for making a financial success at writing and publishing books, including publishing childrens books. He has numerous information packed websites offering free resources all geared towards teaching us how to be a well-fed self-publisher. I own and love this book. |
If you're not very much interested in making money, yet love writing poetry and want to share your poetry, check out
how to self publish poetry.
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