New Unusual Character Education Ideas
On Nov. 3, 2008, Americans were in need of unusual character education ideas and strategies to jump start their hearts and spirits.
Many people felt betrayed, beaten down, and dismayed at how government and business operated in the USA.
On Nov. 4, 2008, we elected Barack Obama as the 44th US American President.
We showed ourselves and the world we're tired and fed up with the way we've been carrying on.
We showed ourselves we could accept an Afro-American man as leader of our country. This news is heroic proportions.
We began the much needed changes in our values by electing Mr. Obama.
Overnight people went from helpless to hopeful.
Our nation has become obsessed with material stuff, so much so that we've become accustomed to lying and dishonesty throughout government, business, in all professions, just to make more and more money.
I call this becoming
Servants to Fluff
Stop slaving to money, possessions and stuff;
so your hearts not a servant to all kinds of fluff.
Possessions and stuff can never make you real.
So be careful when you think of money you might steal.
Money is cool, it gives you freedom to explore;
Yet for personal peace, grow humble in your core.
Money is grand, it pays all the bills;
yet a lopsided focus causes all kinds of ills.
When your mind lives with greed, and you cheat to get ahead,
your spirit becomes bankrupt, your heart’s almost dead.
Character Education Programs
Even though many groups and organizations recognized the need to teach character education outside the home, it's a relatively new field.
In the past, kids received the majority of their values and moral lessons from their parents. Obviously, churches and synagogues played their part.
In addition, kids joined the
- Boy Scouts,
- Girl Scouts,
- Brownies,
- 4H, where volunteers guided children to show respect, take responsibility, be honest and other character traits.
Recently, governments started funding
character education programs
as well as
lessons about character.
For many the learning begins with a discussion and definition of
what is character learning?
In the US, people no longer have the time nor the energy to teach their kids all the needed character traits.
80% of American families have both parents working outside the home.
That makes it near impossible to cover all they wish to teach except by being the best darn example of character traits they wish their kids to learn and to emaulate.
Here's a
list of character traits
character traits of extraordinary leaders
to help you choose from when
teaching character traits to your kids.
If that's not enough, here are
examples of character traits
- character traits of successful people
and - character strategies to teach.
Next: give the kids vivid examples, i.e., picture words, that are
- emotionally charged,
- surprising, and
- unexpected, that kids will remember.

The above graphic accompanies the rhyming verse Servant to Fluff.
For example, let’s say you chose gratitude as one of the character traits you want your kids to practice.
Ask your kids to give you examples of what they’re grateful for. Have them brainstorm a list, without going into detail at this stage.
Then, ask them if they think they’re millioinaires or billionaires or zillionaires? They’ll laugh and think you’ve gone off the deep end.
Then, tell them you'll give them a million dollars for their left eye and 2 million for their right eye.
Ask them how much they think their legs are worth?
Their teeth? Stomachs? Brains?
You’re getting the point, right?
Here's a
lesson plan on character traits
to give you another idea on how to teach character education to your kids.
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