Unusual Benefits of Friendship

Many benefits of friendship are well known. Friends offer

  1. closeness with others,
  2. a listening ear to share challenges or joys,
  3. a shoulder to lean on when life is difficult,
  4. companionship,
  5. the ability to tell you the truth when others might not (assuming you want to hear the truth).

importance of friendship

One of the unusual benefits of friendship is your kids never have to worry about being homeless.

The importance of friendship? Ask homeless people.

Friends don't let friends live on the streets.

But the biggest benefit that friendships offer each of us, whether we're a kid just entering daycare or a 90 year old great grandmother, is happiness.

Friends are an aid to the young, to guard them from error; to the elderly, to attend to their wants and to supplement their failing power of action; to those in the prime of life, to assist them in noble deeds. ---Aristotle

What price can you place on having one true best friend who's always there for you?

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Topics covered include learning
how to make and more importantly keep friends.
cold prevention that few people know about.
skills to start their own businesses.

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Making Friends Is Fun (Once You Overcome Fear)

Many people prefer the safety of being lonely because they're secure in their loneliness. Sounds bizarre, i know.

They don't have to risk rejection and a hurt heart if they approach others and others don't want to be friends.

One thing kids need to learn is that when people decide not to be friends with us, we don't always know the reason.

Lots of times it has nothing to do with whom we are as people. It's often about the other person.

And the thing about life is we all deal with rejection. Yet, we survive, we don't fall to pieces, life goes on.

Helping kids grasp they are beautiful, unique kids who deserve love and all the benefits of friendship that come from friends gives kids the courage to make new friends.

Here are some more benefits of friendship in the form of friendship quotes for kids that are inspiring.

Here is assistance about how children make friends as well as friendship unit sample pages of exercises and activities that show the true meaning of friendship and more ways to make friends.

how to make new friends

The information and art found on Benefits of Friendship is the property of Childrens Educational Books.

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