21st Century Kids Education - Nurturing Your Child's Heart AND Mind
21st Century Kids Education focuses less on math and science and more on nurturing children's hearts and caring for each other.
You'll find character and values education that helps kids in determining the adult the child becomes.
You'll see that a loving, open heart is as important as a critical thinking mind in becoming well-rounded adults.
Of course math and science are important. Very important. But being whizzes at math and science are not the most critical aspects we require to function as whole human beings.
Nothing may be as important for kids to learn as how to treat one another with love and respect. And how each of us treats others is based on how we treat ourselves.
We cannot give to another what we don't give to ourselves. If we expect to be able to love and care for others, we must first love and care for ourselves.
21st Century Kids Education takes into account the deep significance of self-love that each child has for herself, for without this love of self (and we're not talking about selfishness, arrogance, or uncaring for others), the child cannot truly learn to give and care for others healthily.
We can only love others to the extent we love ourselves.
It's important for kids to learn about self-care, self-love, self-esteem, all necessary ingredients to helping a child grow into a healthy adult who cares for herself and others.
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One way a child learns to deepen self-esteem and self-confidence is through activities that inspire creativity and self-expression. Our printable coloring page offers free kids printable activity sheets and pages for kids to create their own unique illustrations.
One of our story books, to be available Spring, 2009, Joey's Cabbage Patch offers ...
Kids Environmental Education
Why is environmental education for kids so important?
How does knowing about the environment help children live healthier lives?
We have learned in recent decades that how we treat Mother Earth directly affects the quality of our lives. Spraying pesticide poisons into our precious farmland has been proven harmful to our bodies.
The results? We have weakened immune systems, we can't fight off disease as well, and we're more prone to serious diseases like cancer.
PLUS, Mother Earth no longer can provide our bodies with the
healthy nutrients,
trace elements and the like
normally found in food grown organically.
Thus, when you or your kids eat these pesticide rich foods, you automatically make yourself more vulnerable to disease, you automatically are less healthy as your immune system weakens.
This is just one reason kids environmental education is needed. A good 21st Century Kids Education helps kids see their relationship with Mother Earth.
How we relate to Mother Earth depends in large part upon our values. That is why Childrens Educational Books places big emphasis on ...
Values Education and Kids
Educational kid's sites such as ours offer values education. And kids are so receptive when young that they easily learn meaningful values that will live with them for life.
Learning values through reading inspiring stories, then illustrating these stories makes educational sites fun for kids.
Kids who learn and have fun at the same time deepen their love for learning. Many adults are discovering a lifelong love of learning makes their lives more worthwhile and valuable.
Our interactive books for kids, which we consider are among the top books for kids available today, allow children to use both parts of their brain.
An excellent example of 21st century kids education is our first book. Bingo and Bonner, A Read-Me, Draw-Me Book is a picture book without pictures. Kids draw pictures according to their understanding of the story that deals with friendship and values such as forgiveness, acceptance and self-love.
There is also a Unit Study on Friendship, with 15 exercises, activities and games that accompanies the book. Sample exercises from friendship homeschooling unit study.
21st century kids education is part of Childrens Educational Books. By providing good books for kids, which include opportunities of making books with kids, kids often discover a deep love for reading, writing, and drawing.
While reading our online down loadable, printable kids books, kids can analyze (left brain function) to determine if the values ring true to their hearts. Then they draw pictures and use their creativity (right brain function).
It has been proven the more we use both sides of our brain to deal with challenges, the more options we have available to us to deal with our problems and challenges in ways that don't stress us and make us miserable.
The 21st century kids education that we offer in our online, interactive books for kids offer solutions for dealing with stress at an early age as well as providing a lifelong foundation for health.
The information and art found on 21st Century Kids Education is the property of Childrens Educational Books.
The health education for kids presented here is for educational purposes and is not medical advice. Always consult your doctor or qualified health practitioner with questions about specific medical conditions.